Register here for instant access to the intro course to part 1 of our 5-part Kingdom business framework.
What you'll get:
🙏 1x 3-5 minute video per day, for EACH day of the week (7 total), highlighting what to pray and why
🙏 A intro AND a review video (2 additional videos)
Also, receive bonus access to two videos on business:
❤️ The relationship between work and worship
💔 What to do if you don't like your work / job
Total = 11 short videos, total run-time = @ 45 minutes
Access never expires.
Watch as many times as you'd like, streaming from all of your devices.
The five facets of the Kingdom business framework are:
🌸 Presence & power
= Partner with God not only in your personal life but also in your business decisions. He wants to show up in your work in the same way He manifests in other areas of life.
🌸 Principles of business
= Implement the precepts we teach, all found in the book of Proverbs, about running a Kingdom business. These timeless truths work anytime we implement them consistently.
🌸 Promotion & marketing
= Work through our messaging resources so you can clearly communicate what you do, show prospects how to connect with you, and then serve them at a higher level. When this happens, your customer base grows and profits escalate.
🌸 Professional requirements
= Though most of us don't like to think about them, there are certain things we must do in order to run a business. We'll help you navigate incorporation, bylaws, IRS filings, spreadsheets, and other necessities.
🌸 Personal care & growth
= your business will never outgrow your personal capacity. You must take care of you. With proper boundaries, you can "win at work" and "win at home," and you can succeed in business while remaining centered and whole.